The Primate Society Medals

PSGB awards four medals: the Osman Hill Memorial Medal, the Napier Memorial Medal, the PSGB Occasional Medal and the Charles A. Lockwood Medal. PSGB also gives out the Cyril Rosen and Ardith Eudey Awards through the Conservation Working Party, and awards a prize for the best student poster presentation at the Spring Meetings. 

In addition, the winter conference hosts the Folia Primatologica AH Schultz Best Paper Award on a biannual basis.  This is a biannual prize (£300) awarded for the best article in Folia Primatologica. Editors of Folia Primatologica judge the article using a combination of citations, impact and quality. The first author/corresponding author of the winning article will usually be given the opportunity to present their research at the PSGB winter meeting.

The Primate Society of Great Britain is a registered Charity number 290185 Website Photos: Netty Gunn, Shannon Farrington, Tim Eppley, & Brogan Mace
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