Thinking of joinging PSGB? We have a range of membership options to suit a variety of backgrounds and career stages. PSGB can claim Gift Aid on your membership if you are a British tax payer. You can complete the form on-line when you sign up to become a member.
Questions? Please send all enquiries to the Membership Secretary, Dr Tracie McKinney:
Full Membership
Full membership is open to people (including postgraduate students) with a recognised qualification in primatology. Applications must be supported by a current member, requiring an email address for online applications
Associate Membership
Those without a recognised qualification who have a serious interest in primates can join as Associate members using a CV (supporter not required). Associate members can participate in all Society activities but cannot hold office or vote at Society business meetings. Please email your CV to the membership secretary.
Student Membership
Full-time students can join as Student Members. Student status must be confirmed by a tutor or supervisor (requiring an email address for online applications or signature on the printed form). The tutor / supervisor does not need to be a PSGB member. Following graduation, students are allowed to renew at the student rate for one additional year. We advise you to use an email address not related to your course of study to allow the PSGB to remain in contact with you when your course ends.
Life Membership
Full and Associate members can choose to join as Life members. Please contact the Membership Secretary for further information.
Honorary Membership
From time to time, PSGB awards honorary membership to deserving individuals and organisations.
You can join or renew securely online. If you are UK based then payment is by Direct Debit. If based outside UK then payment can be made by Credit or Debit card.
Subscription rates
Full/Associate membership is £30.00 per annum.
Student membership is £15.00 per annum
Full/Associate lifetime membership a single payment of £500.00.
Membership Queries
If you awaiting confirmation of membership or need to check your membership status please email the Membership Secretary, Dr Tracie McKinney:
PSGB stores your personal data electronically on a secure database to administer your membership, grant applications and meeting registrations. We never disclose your personal data to third parties. If you register for a conference, PSGB may circulate your name and institution to other conference registrants. If you do not want your membership or conference registration disclosed to other PSGB members or conference registrants, please contact the Membership Secretary ( You can update your details in the membership area of the website or alternatively please contact the Membership Secretary.
2 Student Member
Please type your university email address in the box marked 'University/Workplace' and put your Course Leader in 'Organisation'
£15.00 /year
7 Life Member
Please contact the Membership Secretary for further information.
£500.00 /year