
Primate Eye is the PSGB's main publication.  PSGB has also adopted Folia Primatologica as an official publication of the Society.

For access to Primate Eye, you will need to become a member!

Primate Eye

All members receive Primate Eye (ISSN 0305-8417) three times a year, in electronic or hard copy. First published in January 1974 and currently edited by Lindsay Murray and Lisa Riley, Primate Eye publishes meeting reports and abstracts, working party reports, short general articles by members about primates and primatology, and opinion pieces. The most recent issues of Primate Eye are available to members only, and can be downloaded from the members' area. Non members are very welcome to browse the Primate Eye archive (a work in progress with a 12 month ‘moving wall’).

Book reviews are a particularly important feature of Primate Eye. Our editors would love to hear from you with ideas for books to review or offers to review for Primate Eye ([email protected]). If a review inspires you to buy a particular book, we encourage you to do it via the links below, as Amazon donates a small amount for money to PSGB for every book bought. A list of recently reviewed books plus Amazon links are at the bottom of this page.

If you would like to advertise in Primate Eye, please contact the Editor ([email protected]). Full page (14.5 x 21 cm) advertisements cost £100; half page (7.25 x 10.5 cm) £50. Flyer insert prices available on request.

Primate Eye Newsletter (PEN)

In 2022, PSGB will be publishing a digital newsletter once a year, featuring snapshots of information, job and research opportunities and much more.  For more information, please contact [email protected]

Folia Primatologica

PSGB and Folia Primatologica have been closely linked for many years, partly as a result of the relationship between the European Federation for Primatology and the journal, and also because three of the most recent Editors-in-Chief, Robert Martin, Robin Crompton and Anna Nekaris, have had long associations with PSGB, as do many of the editorial board members. PSGB has a seat on the editorial board.  

Like PSGB, Folia Primatologica supports the spectrum of primate research and emphasises the highest possible ethical standards. The journal covers fields as diverse as social behaviour, genetics, ecology, conservation, palaeontology, systematic, physiology and functional anatomy. It publishes special issues of high quality conference proceedings (full, invited peer reviewed articles) and well as original peer-reviewed work. 

PSGB members are eligible to subscribe to Folia Primatologica at a much-reduced rate (details available here). Members are also invited to submit proposals for special issues to the Editors-in-Chief, Anna Nekaris ([email protected]) or Christophe Soligo ([email protected]).

The Primate Society of Great Britain is a registered Charity number 290185 Website Photos: Netty Gunn, Shannon Farrington, Tim Eppley, & Brogan Mace
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